A British TikToker living in the US shares what surprised him most when he moved mdash from grocery shopping to weddings #Mdash

#Mdash | Brenden Guy, who moved to the US from the UK more than a decade ago, said he was confused by wedding flash mobs and buying beer at sporting events.
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30 Jaw-Dropping Tik Tok Challenges You Can Try at Home
#Home | 30 Jaw-Dropping Tik Tok Challenges You Can Try at Home

The big quit How the pandemic has spurred what may be the largest wave of resignations in years
# | Working from home with more time to reflect, more than one in five Canadian professionals say it’s time to look for a new job. Companies are scramblin...

The Most SAFEST Base in Minecraft!
# | The Most SAFEST Base in Minecraft!

Fragrance Maker Dares to Sniff a What Life Really Smells Likea
#Life | Crafting scents that demand a brave nose, and leading smelling tours through a landscape in Catalonia painted by Dalí, an evangelist of odor urges people to catch a whiff of the “sublime.”


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